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About Us

Howard Young, My Father, started his research that led to CherishUrSoul, Inc. over 40 years ago. Through his vast study and personal experience, he has found no other method as effective for prevention, reversing chronic disease, and self-healing. He traveled throughout Asia to share his knowledge and experience with the people in the East. His students carry on his work in Japan and our goal is to spread this message globally. 


His journey in research of health began over 40 years ago when he was diagnosed with Diabetes. 

He was tired all the time, overweight, and slowly started to lose his eyesight. His doctor told him to take medicine for the rest of his life but when he took his medication, he felt worse. He couldn't stay focused and couldn't concentrate. The medication simply did not work for him. He tried so many different methods of treatment such as acupuncture, acupressure, cupping, vitamins, supplements, etc. For years he tried different methods and products, but nothing worked, and his Diabetes was getting worse.


At a crucial moment in his life and out of desperation, he remembered his father's and grandfather's method of self-healing with Proper Elimination with Herbs, Whole Grains, Raw Vegetables and Water. It was almost too simple to believe. Within 10 days of Elimination of Toxins and Proper Nutrition consisting of Plant Based Foods, he began to see and feel a difference. In less than 3 months, his Diabetes was under control. 


He was completely shocked. How can something so simple enable him to control all the symptoms of Diabetes? He then has been an advocate of Proper Elimination, Whole Grains, Raw Vegetables, Plant Based Foods and Water. What he learned in his 40 years of experience is the fact that our body has the power to heal and the ability to restore, rejuvenate, and reverse chronic disease. He shares his experience and knowledge with anyone who wants to learn. Howard Young is now 86 years of age and continues to keep a rigorous schedule of research and study. 


Our main goal and mission is very simple. We want to educate and help anyone who is willing to learn, regain health and well-being. Even if you are not 100% Vegan like my father, you can regain your health, energy and happiness today by detoxifying your body and making small changes daily. 

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